Hey Friends!
Current State : Virginia (Winter Break, Stationary until Spring)
Hey Friends!!!
Here’s a little background information on me:
I joined the Air Force 21 Mar 2006 and my job was Healthcare Management, (Medical Administration). While active duty, I was stationed at McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington, Shaw AFB in Sumter, South Carolina, and my last duty station was Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nevada. I served 11 years, 2 months, and 24 days, and separated 14 Jun 2017.
After separating, I enrolled into school at City College of San Francisco where I completed a Marketing Certification and my prerequisites for San Francisco State University. Unfortunately, I was only able to attend SFSU for 3 semesters due to COVID. Currently, school is online, and I have decided to take a break, because online school is not how I wanted to have my “college experience”. So now, I travel in Domino, (my tiny home on wheels), and film myself navigating through life under the hashtag Vanlife.
(Update) 10 Feb 23
Domino has been placed in storage and she will remain there until I am able to purchase the perfect piece of land for her be sit on. I now travel and live in Sister Sister, a 2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee and 2023 Forest River R-Pod 153. All of this is new for me, but I am so excited for the change!!

Why Van Life?
The short answer is affordable housing with the freedom of mobility.
While attending school in San Francisco, for 18 months I paid $1300 to rent a room in a house with four other people. The location was beautiful, I had a private bathroom, and guaranteed parking, (which is crucial in SF); but, as time passed, I couldn’t rationalize spending so much money each month, while getting nothing in return.
While researching alternative living options, #Vanlife somehow made its way across my screen, and I became mildly obsessed with it. Within a few weeks of research, I decided this was the lifestyle for me; I took the leap, purchased a bus, and the rest is HERstory!
What tips would you give to women looking to make the move?
My biggest tips or takeaways from this experience is, to do your research and most importantly give yourself a realistic timeline for completion. With a realistic timeline, you will be able to enjoy the building process, alleviate stress, impulsive decisions, and avoidable errors.
I love everything about this unpredictable lifestyle; the freedom it provides, and the mild chaos it brings, BUT I wouldn’t want it any other way. So, if you want to do it…do it!
What are the biggest challenges and biggest rewards?
This type of nomadic/alternative lifestyle comes with many challenges. One day, your biggest challenge might be finding clean drinking water or finding a safe place to sleep at night. Its important to know that everyday isn’t going to be what #Vanlife shows you on the popular social media platforms.
However, there is no better feeling of being at one of your favorite campsites, standing inside of something you created with your own hands. Having this sense of pride, like GIRL, YOU DID ALLLL OF THIS!! That’s the best feeling in the world!