Domino as Ladybug Magnet


While building Domino, I was visited by Ladybugs during the times I was most stressed. In the end, I felt they were sent to bring me peace, and now that Domino IS my peace, it was time to combine them.

3" x 1.79"


While building Domino, I was visited by Ladybugs during the times I was most stressed. In the end, I felt they were sent to bring me peace, and now that Domino IS my peace, it was time to combine them.

3" x 1.79"

While building Domino, I was visited by Ladybugs during the times I was most stressed. In the end, I felt they were sent to bring me peace, and now that Domino IS my peace, it was time to combine them.

3" x 1.79"